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Common Route Code(ID) 通用工序标识
COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System 面向客户制造管理系统
competitive edge 竞争优势
component 子件/组件
component-based development 组件(构件)开发技术
concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程
conference room pilot 会议室模拟
configuration code 配置代码
constant purchasing power accounting 不买够买力会计
container transport 集装箱运输
container 集装箱
continuous improvement 进取不懈
continuous process 连续流程
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象请求代理结构
core competence 核心才能
cost driver rate 作业成本发生因素单位费用
cost driver 作业成本发生因素
cost of stockout 短缺损失
cost roll-up 成本滚动计算法
cost simulation 成本模拟
cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析
costed BOM 成本物料清单
costing 成本核算
CPA Capacity Requirements Planning 能力需求计划
CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务
CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 生产与库存管理认证资格
CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法
CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销
crew size 班组规模
critical part 急需零件
critical ratio 紧迫系数
critical work center 关键工作中心
CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理
cross docking 直接换装CRP capacity requirements planning 能力需求计划
CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续补充系数
CSS Customer Service and Support 客户服务和支持
CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑电话集成(呼叫中心)
CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的能力
current assets 流动资产
current liabilities 流动负债
current run hour 现有运转工时
current run quantity 现有运转数量
current standard cost 现行标准成本
customer care 客户关怀
customer deliver lead time 客户交货提前期
customer loyalty 客户忠诚度
customer order number 客户订单号
customer satisfaction 客户满意度
Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表
customer status 客户状况
customer 客户
customized logistics 定制物流
customs declaration 报关
cycle counting 周期盘点
cycle stock 经常库存
data cleansing 数据整理
Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据知识和决策支持
data level integration 数据层集成
data transformation 数据转换
Data Warehouse 数据仓库
date adjust 调整日期
date available 有效日期
date changed 修改日期
date closed 结束日期
date due 截止日期
date in produced 生产日期
date inventory adjust 库存调整日期

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